Personal Training

One on One Training

Get a personalized plan and have regular check-ins to help you reach your goals.

Bespoke training sessions…

Training with me is about expertise, guidance, motivation and support.

Whatever your goals, I can surely help you achieve them faster!

We provide strength and fitness training for athletes and people training for life.

We can provide training for:

  • Athletes, including speed, power and agility training

  • Muscle development sessions to improve body shape by building muscle, improving posture and dropping body fat levels.

  • Weight loss and toning programmes to improve health and have you looking great!

  • Rehabilitation and stability training to help overcome injury

  • Adventure training - specific training to complement your training for endurance adventures like mountain biking, trail running and kayaking

If you’re looking for something tailored to your specific needs, regular one on one sessions might be the right step for you.

Contact me to discuss the options today!

Sessions from $95